Call for Paper, 4th ICoASHE 2024
(International Conference on Archives, Social Science, Humanities and Education)
Perkumpulan Arsip Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia (PAPTI) and Universitas Gadjah Mada
Theme: Sustainable Archiving and Culture Preservation on Global Approach
Sub Theme:
- Embracing the Digital Transformation: Innovations and Challenges in Archiving, Education, and Cultural Preservation
- Integrating Sustainable Practices in Archival Systems: Lessons from Best Practices
- Cultural Heritage Preservation in the Digital Age: Global Case and Comparative Studies
- The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Archiving, Education, and Cultural Heritage Documentation
Author Guidelines:
- Articles can be:
- new articles that have never been published
- articles about best practices of archive, education, and cultural preservation awareness campaigns
- articles that have been published in reputable journals indexed by Scopus or WoS (after 2020)
- Articles do not contain plagiarism.
- Articles can contain research results, studies, and conceptual and theoretical applications, literature studies, laboratory experiments, seminar results, and case reports in the field of records, archives, education, and cultural preservation.
- Articles can be written in Indonesian or English for 15-25 pages including bibliography, photos, figures/diagrams, and tables, on A4 paper with top and left margins of 4 cm, bottom and right margins of 3 cm.
- Articles are written using Times New Roman font, 12pt, and 1.5 spacing.
- INTRODUCTION. Contains of: 1) Background and 2) Literature Review & Hypothesis Development/Research Questions.
- METHOD. The method contains a description of the research design, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
- RESULT AND DISCUSSION. The author presents the findings based on the data collected and analyzed. Authors may use tables, figures, charts, graphs, or other visual aids to illustrate key points. The maximum number of visual aids is six pieces (a combination of tables, pictures, and others).
- CONCLUSION. The conclusion is a summary of the main findings and their significance, contains a summary, suggestions and implications of the research.
- List all sources cited in the article, following the APA 7th citation style and mandatory use of a reference management such as Mendeley or Zotero.
- If the research is supported by certain funding, author is allowed to add acknowledgment in the article text.
- Selected articles will have the opportunity to be presented at an International Seminar on October 28-29, 2024 at Gadjah Mada University, and published in the Proceedings with an ISBN (except for articles that have been published).