With the issuance of decree of Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada No1/P/SK/HT/2015 on the Organisational Position, Function, and Task of working units at Universitas Gadjah Mada, the position and task of University Archives, which were previously based on Rector’s Decree of Universitas Gadjah Mada No 249/P/SK/HKTL/2004, stating that “University Archives is led by Head of Archives, is under and responsible to the Rector. In their daily running, the Head of Archives is assisted by Secretary who reports to the Head of Archives. Universities Archives has renewed services and database as below:
UGM Archives is part of University Secretariat along with Executive Secretary, Internal Audit Office, Law and Organisation Office, and Quality Assurance Office. UGM Archives is responsible to the Rector through Executive Secretary.
UGM Archives office consists of:
- Head of University Archives;
- Archival Innovation, Preservation and Conservation division;
- Archival Information and System Development division;